When: Friday, 26. June 2009
To: Sunday, 28. June 2009
Where: Kicevo, Macedonia
Host: House of Art, Kicevo
Contact: Gordana Pirkovska Zmijanac (gordanaz@childrensembassy.org.mk / + 389 02 2465316)
More info: www.childrensembassy.org.mk

First Children`s Embassy in the World – Megjashi will organize 2 basic trainings in the field of children rights with special accent on the sexual abuse of the children and the pedophilia. The trainings are for the media, more specific for the journalists who are reporting stories about the children.

The first training will be organized from 26 to 28 June, and the second one is from 1 to 3 July in the House of Art in Kicevo.

On the 30ty Session of the Government of the Republic Macedonia on 18.11.2008, was adopted the Action Plan for Prevention and Dealing With Problems of Child Sexual Abuse and Pedophilia 2009-2012.  The First Children’s Embassy in the World –Megjashi was invited to take a part in the preparation of this action plan, and to prepare trainings for the journalists. 

In the Action plan were established more priorities, and among them one was the following “trainings for the representatives of the media in order to make them more familiar with the problem of child sexual abuse and to be provided more appropriate presentation of the cases trough the media. “ 

On both trainings will be present two representatives from the Ministry of labor and social politics, and they will provide more information about the Action plan. The trainings will be financially supported by the Ministry of labor and social politics of Republic of Macedonia

The aims of the trainings are:

  • Developing a sensibility for the children rights and different kinds of child abuse, with special accent of the sexual abuse
  • Initiating forms of constructive actions with purpose to prevent the child abuse, especially development of CODECS for the journalists when they reports about child abuse, as one of the forms for child protection
  • Introduction with the system/mechanisms for monitoring of the children rights in R.M.
  • Contribution in increasing the mutual collaboration and communication between the representatives of the media, governmental and nongovernmental sector.  
  • Initiating mutual engagement in the process of protection and promotion of the children rights.
  • Initiating better mutual connection of all participants, trough common acting in the process of fulfilling of the children rights and democratization of the society.

The training will be carried out as interactive workshop, trough plenary, group and individual work, and from the participants is expected an active contribution. The work plan will be conducted in the mornings and in the afternoons in duration of 3-4 hours. 

The trainers will be Mr. Dragi Zmijanac, MA.SC Director and Founder and Mrs. Gordana Pirkovska-Zmijanac, Program Manager and Founder of the First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi.

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