When: Friday, 19. June 2009 11:00
To: Friday, 19. June 2009
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia, Ante Fijamenga 14b
Host: Human Rights House of Sarajevo
Contact: Lejla Mazlic (sarajevo@humanrightshouse.org / + 387 33 660 811)

Members of informal NGO coalition for UPR on B&H will discuss on the meeting about:
  • so far submitted NGO reports on previously agreed human rights areas;
  • further activities of the Working Group on UPR.

The meeting is set for June 19th at 11 a.m., in the conference hall of Human Rights House of Sarajevo.

The UPR mechanism is a new innovation in the UN human rights system, under which each UN member state will be reviewed periodically – at this stage every 4 years – on its human rights record.  48 countries will be reviewed each year, starting in 2008. The process should involve national consultations in the preparation of the State report to the HRC, while civil society organisations and NHRIs can submit information and have opportunities to contribute to the various steps of the UPR.
