When: Friday, 29. May 2009
To: Friday, 29. May 2009
Where: Budva, Montenegro
Host: Becici
Contact: Vesna Terselic (kontakt@documenta.hr)

The fifth regional forum on transitional justice in post-YU countries will be open tomorrow in Becici near Budva (Montenegro). Forum is organized by Center for Civic Education and Action for Human Rights from Montenegro, in behalf of the Coalition of 200 NGOs and individuals from the region that continue, on this session, their consultations regarding Establishing a Regional Commission for Truth-seeking and Truth-telling About War Crimes (RECOM) and other sever violations of human rights in post-Yugoslav countries. 

Forum will last for two days and it will be opened by:

  • Ranko Krivokapic, the president of Assembly of Montenegro, 
  • Pierre Mirel, director of General Management for Enlargement of European Commission in the countries of Western Balkan, 
  • Ron J.P.M. van Dartel, ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Montenegro and Serbia.

Forum will host around 350 participants from all post-YU countries: representatives of NGOs and representatives of associations of victims and families of victims, but also prosecutors, artists and youth representatives, as well.

The aim of the RECOM is creation of accurate, official and objective document on war crimes and other sever violations of human rights committed on the territory of the ex Yugoslavia, including the acknowledgment of the victims and their sufferings, and prevention of committing those crimes again. RECOM will be a regional body which will be formed by countries-members of the ex Yugoslavia, and it will be independent from its founders, focusing on victims’ experiences.

It is expected that RECOM will conduct a list of victims and human losses and that will, by doing so, eternally prevent the manipulations with numbers of killed and injuried during the war in ex-Yugoslavia. It will be a document of great help to war crime courts, current official commissions on missing persons, and will create preconditions for understanding and tolerance. In such way, RECOM will return the dignity to victims and their families.

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