When: Wednesday, 3. June 2009 17:00 – 19:00
To: Wednesday, 3. June 2009
Where: Vilnius, Human Rights House, Latako str. 3
Host: Vilnius Media Seminar

Elections to the European Parliament will be held from 4 to 7 June in all countries of the European Union. The elections in Lithuania and Belarus have different meanings and perspectives. For Lithuania it means the election of new or extension of the current delegate in parliament. For Belarus the election is the future of EU policy in relations with eastern neighbors.

During the 6th session of the Vilnius Media Seminar on Local Media – Europe Wide, the Belarusian and Lithuanian experts will analyze media campaigns of the upcoming elections to the European Parliament. The seminar will address the following questions:

  • How can new media be used? 
  • Do European parties take into account local contexts in their global campaign? 
  • Are these elections represented in local media projects in Belarus and Lithuania?
  • Is the Belarusian-Lithuanian neighbourhood taken into account during the campaign?

The working language of the seminar is English.

We look forward to the participation of teachers, graduate students, masters, students and all concerned.

More information is available here

Session VMS#6 is organised with the support of the LitPro Project and Human Rights House in Vilnius.