When: Monday, 11. May 2009 13:00 – 16:00
To: Monday, 11. May 2009
Where: Oslo, the Norwegian Human Rights House
Host: The Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds and the Norwegian Bar Association

The intimidation, harassment, threats and persecution of ethnic and religious minorities are all on the rise, and women’s and human rights organisations are also under increased pressure.

These are among the topics that will be addressed in this seminar. The speakers are Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, a Norwegian-Iranian human rights activist who last year received Norwegian Amnesty’s award for his work. Alongside Amiry-Moghaddam, Khalil Bahramian, an Iranian lawyer who has defended many of those sentenced to death in iIran in recent years, will also speak and respond to questions. Bahramian is currently travelling together with Havin Guneser, a Kurdish activist, through the Nordic countries to spread information about the alarming increase of executions in Iran. Guneser is a member of the German Bar Association.