When: Thursday, 23. April 2009 17:45
To: Saturday, 25. April 2009
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia, Trg B&H 1
Host: Parliamentary Assembly of B&H
Contact: Snjezana Rubcic (renesans@bih.net.ba)

From 23rd to 25th April, representatives from the Association Renesansa will attend Interconference Breast Cancer Meeting (IBCM) – a meeting with clinicians, scientists, carers, advocates and patients promoted at the European Breast Cancer Conference series (EBCCs). This meeting will provide yet further opportunity for all to exchange views and update on the very latest developments in breast cancer care.

Within a truly multidisciplinary and multi professional setting, participants of the IBCM can expect a comprehensive review of cutting edge discovery fro breast cancer biology and the clinic, the latest trends and developments in nursing care as well as updates on topical issues from the patient advocacy perspective.

Different topics will be addressed through keynote lectures given by distinguished international speakers, Oxford style debates, educational sessions as well as the highly interactive tumour board round table at which experts and participants will discuss and debate challenging cases.