When: Friday, 22. May 2009
To: Saturday, 23. May 2009
Where: Sibenik, Croatia
Host: Hotel Solaris
Contact: Lana Vego, CMS (cms.diskriminacija@gmail.com / Fax: + 385 1 4820094)
More info: www.cms.hr

The purpose of the training is to familiarize Croatian lawyers with the new law – Anti-discrimination Law and equally introduce them to EU legal standards regarding the discrimination issue. The training lectures will be foreign and local experts. The training will consist of:

  • the Law ;
  • introduction to EU directives ;
  • court practice ;
  • practical work (workshop).

Applicants should submit their applications no later than April 29 (application attached to the article) via above noted email, fax number or via earth mail:

Centar za mirovne studije,

Pierottijeva 3,

10000 Zagreb
