When: Friday, 17. April 2009
To: Saturday, 18. April 2009
Where: Kampala

The training will bring together defenders from throughout the East and Horn of Africa region and will seek to enable human rights defenders (HRDs) to obtain the skills necessary to improve their own security. The training forms part of the activities of PDU, which was launched last November seeks to enhance the protection and security of human rights defenders in the region.

The training, which is taking place prior to the Johannesburg + 10 All
African Human Rights Defenders Conference, is a timely intervention given the increasing protection and security threats facing defenders in the region.

“Too often defenders are either reluctant to accept or unaware of the
importance of ensuring that their own security is guaranteed. Many lives have been lost, careers ended and work ceased due to defenders’ vulnerability. In light of the increasingly numerous, and at times sophisticated, methods and measures carried out by state, and, although more rarely non-state actors, in order to thwart the work of defenders, such trainings are necessary more than ever before” says Mr Hassan Shire Sheikh, Executive Director of EHAHRDP. “We hope that the training will enhance both the skills and awareness of defenders”.

The training forms part a wider range of activities that are being carried out by PDU notably: consultancy services on security issues for organizations and individuals in situations of emergency or particular needs; research and publications of updated manuals on

For more information please contact Ms Laetitia Bader, Human Rights
Officer at EHAHRDP: advocacy@defenddefenders.org, or +256-775-141756