The Review consists of two parts, the first covers the main factors influencing the human rights situation, and the second reflects the situation with freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of association and the administration of justice in the country.

Thus, according to human rights defenders the period under review was marked by the adoption of odious legislative acts, which worsened the legislative regulation in certain areas that affect human rights. Human rights defenders also noted that the number of meetings were held as a part of intergovernmental consultations on modernization and simplification of the visa regime.

It is noted in the review that the situation with the media in Belarus in late 2014 has experienced dramatic system-level deterioration. Amendments, introduced hastily to the law on mass media, stepped up government surveillance on internet and distribution of traditional mass media. The following serious violations stand out among other violations of freedom of expression in Belarus in October-December 2014: prosecution of journalists, a criminal case being initiated against a journalist on charges of high treason, protracted blocking of a few independent internet mass media

Human rights defenders also highlighted a continuing tendency of the government establishing artificial restrictions on the enjoying of the freedom of assembly. During the period under review, in most cases, local authorities did not grant permission to hold mass events, if they were organized by public activists or activists of political parties, as well as human right activists.

During the period under review Educational institution Legal Transformation Centre faced serious pressure. On 29 October, the permit for permanent residency in Belarus given to Elena Tonkacheva, the Chairwoman of the board of the Legal Transformation Centre, a national of the Russian Federation living in Belarus for the past 30 years, was terminated.

According to human rights defenders, during the period under review, courts kept passing politically motivated judgements. It primarily concerns administrative offence cases against public activists.

The full version of the review is attached.


This analytical report is a result of cooperation between Belarusian human rights organizations: RHRPA “Belarusian Helsinki Committee”, Belarusian Association of Journalists, Assembly of Pro-Democratic NGOs of Belarus, Legal Transformation Centre, Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, and Educational Charitable Institution “Committee “Salidarnasc”.
