The review takes place in Geneva under the Human Rights Council’s 16th UPR session between 22 April and 3 May 2013.

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a unique process that involves a review of the human rights records of all UN Member States. The process provides the opportunity for each State to declare what actions they have taken to improve the human rights situations in their countries and to fulfil their human rights obligations.

Civil society can play an essential role in the preparation of the country’s review by engaging in the reporting process as well as advocating Country Representatives for strong recommendations. 

The Human Rights House Foundation submitted an official report in October 2012 in coalition with its members. The human rights situation of Azerbaijan was also presented on 27 March 2013 during the official pre-session meeting held in Geneva with the participation of  several representatives from the Human Rights House Azerbaijan. Amongst them were Inteqam Alyiev, Chairman of Legal Education Society, Rasul Jafarov Chairman of Human Rights Club and Emin Huseynov Chairman of Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety.

The UPR pre-session offered an important opportunity to raise awareness on the country situation and to advocate for strong recommendations amongst various Permanent Mission at the UN based in Geneva.  The second review of Azerbaijan  falls in a delicate moment and it offers a unique opportunity for States  to address the deteriorating human rights situation in the country in the run up of the Presidential election scheduled in October 2013.