On 4 December the court decided to send colony’s prisoner Mikalai Dziadok to the close-type prison for further serving his sentence as a “malicious violator of the imprisonment regime”. Earlier the same steps to toughening the imprisonment conditions was applied to other political prisoners such as Dzmitry Dashkevich, Mikalai Statkevich and Yauhen Vaskovich.
The information about this court decision was announced by Aliaksandr Dziadok, Mikalai’s father, referring to the lawyer, who was present at the meeting. Aliaksandr Dziadok, the father of political prisoner, says that his son had 22 penalties for various violations of discipline, and a special commission of the colony voted for the direction of Mikalai Dziadok to the closed-type prison.
“All of these alleged violations can be explained only by one reason – my son refuses to sign the petition for clemency, keeps being courageous and principled and does not give up,” – Aliaksandr Dziadok stated his opinion.
Prisoner’s father said that the decision can not be appealed, “The decision is made, it is final and without appeal.It is still unknown where Mikalai is sent, but one can assume that this will be the 4th prison in Mahiliou. Probably, this week he will be sent from the colony.” There are already 2 political prisoners in the 4th closed-type prison in Mahiliou – former presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich and BCD activist Yauhen Vaskovich.
According to Maryna Adamovich, Mikalai Statkevich’s wife, who got a lot of “prison affairs” experience, Mahiliou’s closed-type prison is for the “first-timers”- for those who was convicted for the first time or whose previous convictions were expunged. Maryna Adamovich also believes that Mikalai Dziadok may be put in the Mahiliou closed-type prison, to the compartment of high security.
According to Maryna Adamovich, the prisoners in such compartments are kept in the cells of 2-4 people, once a day they are taken out for an hour-walk, for which there is a fenced area on the roof of the prison: “They are entitled to a one-hour walk and also to one short-term visit a year, which is happenong in close closet, divided into cells with plywood.There is such a loud noise that one can barely hear anything.”
Belarusian lawyer Pavel Sapelka: Mikalai Dziadok is being put in unbearable conditions
The famous Belarusian lawyer Pavel Sapelka does not believe the political prisoner is a persistent violator of prison rules. 
‘Mikalai Dziadok has faced what most political prisoners have. The authorities create unbearable confinement conditions for them. I have strong doubts that Mikalai Dziadok, Zmitser Dashkeivch and Yauhen Vaskovich violated prison rules and regulations to such a degree to be sent to a maximum security prison,” Belarusian lawyer Pavel Sapelka said.
According to the lawyer  an inmate must deliberately violate prison rules and disobey prison staff to be transferred from a penal colony to a stricter prison:
“I can guess from my experience what an inmate must do and how to behave in a penal colony to be moved to a prison. A penal colony is a place where no one usually has a desire to violate rules. Only those who deliberately behave this way and deserve such confinement conditions go to a maximum security prison.”
Mikalai Dziadok, the activist of anarchist movement, was accused of organizing a procession near the Ministry of Defense building, carrying our an attack on Shangri-La casino and the detention center on Akrestsina Street, arson of the doors of a “Belarusbank” office and carrying out an attack on the Russian Embassy in Minsk and convicted to the 4.5 imprisonment in 2011.Mikalai Dziadok has to be imprisoned for more then 2 years.

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