When: Thursday, 3. June 2010 08.30-13.00
To: Thursday, 3. June 2010
Where: Oslo, Literature House, Wergelandsveien 29,
Host: Norwegian Helsnki Committee


   08.30 Registration and coffee

   09.00  Welcome. Recognition and remembrance of the
   Srebrenica genocide in Norway Bjørn Engesland, Secretary-
   General, Norwegian Helsinki Committee

   09.10 Opening
   State Secretary Gry Larsen, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

   09.20 Srebrenica – the view of the Government of Bosnia
   and Herzegovina
   Elma Kovacevic, Ambasador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to

   09.30 Genocide has been proved in courts of law
   Edina Becirevic, University of Sarajevo, author of the book
   “Genocide on the River Drina”

   10.00  Criminal prosecution: Unfinished business at the
   international and domestic levels
   Gunnar M. Ekeløve-Slydal, Deputy Secretary-General, Norwegian
   Helsinki Committee

   10.30 Norwegian assistance to end impunity for war crimes
   in BiH
   Nils Ragnar Kamsvåg, Head of Western Balkans section,
   Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

   10.50 Coffee Break

   11.00 Srebrenica today
   Hasan Hasanovic, Director of the Potocari Memorial Centre*

   11.30  Recognition and denial of genocide in Serbia
   Sonja Biserko, chairwoman of the Helsinki Committee for Human
   Rights in Serbia

   11.50 Recognition and denial of genocide in Bosnia and
   Aleksandra Letic, Secretary-General, Helsinki Committee for
   Human Rights in Republika Srpska, BiH

   12.10  Panel: Comments, questions and recommendations
   to governments
   Chair: Bjørn Engesland, Norwegian Helsinki Committee
   Sonja Biserko, Edina Becirevic
   Naida Softic, Board Member, Helsinki Committee for Human
   Rights in BiH
   13.00 End

Free entrance.
Please confirm your participation to obl@nhc.no in advance.

   [1] *=To be confirmed. The program maybe subject to changes
   and updates.