When: Friday, 25. March 2016
To: Friday, 25. March 2016
Where: Vilnius
Contact: (studentcouncil@ehu.lt)

On this day in 1918 the Third Constituent Charter was adopted, that proclaimed the independence of the Belarusian People’s Republic. To recall the events of those years together, we will meet at 12. 30 at the Vilnius Rasų Cemetery and honor the memory of prominent figures of the BPR, to whom we own the existence of the Freedom Day. After that, at 13.00 the active part of the program will start – a themed location-based game in the Old Town of Vilnius. During the game, the teams will have possibility to explore the city in an entertaining way and visit the places related to the BPR history. The teams will be composed of 2 to 4 people. In order to register for the game you should fill out the following form. The winning team will get a free trip to Trakai from Vilnius Relax, and souvenir prizes from “Art Siadzіba”.

At 15.30 the Wroblewski Library will host an opening of the exhibition dedicated to the Belarusian People’s Republic, and the lecture “Seven years of dreams: in search of Belarus” will be presented by Andrei Charniakevich, a well-known researcher of the history of Belarus.

The festive program will end at 19.00 with a concert of young and talented group NAVI. Belarusian musicians will perform their latest singles, as well as the songs that have already become favorite tunes among Belarusians. The concert will be held in the beautiful area of ​​Užupis in the “Užupio kavinė” bar.

The Freedom Day Celebration was organized jointly by the European Humanities University Students’ Union, the Youth Association «StudAlliance», the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House and the Belarusian Cultural Society in Lithuania. The events are carried out with the support of the cultural initiative “Art Siadzіba”, the «Vilnius Relax» agency, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe and the European Parliament member Petras Auštrevičius.

On 25 March all Belarusians will get an excellent opportunity to come together for the celebration of one of the most important events of the year – the Freedom Day. All organizers and partners sincerely invite all those interested to participate!



12:30 -13: 00 Honoring the memory of leaders of the Belarusian People’s Republic at the Rasų Cemetery (Rasų g. 32)

13:00 – 15:30 Location-based game in Vilnius.

15:30 Opening of the BPR exhibition at the the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Žygimantų g. 1/8)

16:00 – 17:30 Lecture: “Seven years of dreams: in search of Belarus” by the historian Andrei Charniakevich (Žygimantų g. 1/8)

19:00 – 21:00 NAVI Concert (Užupio g. 2)

Organizers: the European Humanities University Students’ Union; the Youth Association «StudAlliance»; the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House; the Belarusian Cultural Society in Lithuania.

Partners: the cultural initiative “Art Siadzіba”; the «Vilnius Relax» agency; the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe. 


+37067922058 (Dzianis)

+ 37067516062 (Kiryll)

studentcouncil@ehu. lt