When: Thursday, 10. June 2010 12:30-14:00
To: Thursday, 10. June 2010
Where: Vilnius, Belarusian HRH, Latako str. 3
Host: Assembly of Pro-Democratic NGOs of Belarus, Belarusian HRH
Contact: (international@belngo.info)

This event will bring together civil society actors from Belarus to tell about the restrictions to freedom of association in the country. In particular, the impact of Criminal Code Article 193.1, which establishes criminal responsibility for participation in the activities of an unregistered association, will be discussed, and advocacy actions ongoing to fight this barrier to freedom of association will be presented. This event will occur prior to the Fourth Regional NGO Congress of the Council of Europe in Vilnius and is aimed to deliver a message of freedom on association violations in the Republic of Belarus  to the interested participants of the Forum as well as to all the other interested parties.

Interpretation English/Russian; Refreshments Provided


12.30 – 12.35 Opening

12.35 – 12.40 Overview of civic society of Belarus

12:40 – 12:50   Political and legal context of introduction of Art. 193-1 into Criminal Code

12.50 – 13.00 Content and legal analysis of the Art. 193-1 of Criminal Code

13.00 – 13.10 The practice of the Art. 193-1 enforcement

13.10 – 13.20 Cases of Persecution under Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code

13.20 – 13.25 Campaign “Stop 193-1!”

13.25 – 13.30 Prospects for abrogation of Criminal Code  Art.193-1

13.30 – 14.00 Questions and Answers Session