With this group, which will ideally include a representative from each House, we hope to have a focal point in each House for advocacy, and a strong international advocacy group to discuss thematic priorities and positions, benefitting from different national and regional perspectives. We look forward to working with the Human Rights Houses to develop this working group.

Florian Irminger, Head of Advocacy at HRHF, spoke of the importance of such a group: “Our advocacy work has always been based on the research and voices of the organisations in the various Human Rights Houses. We advocate jointly and together. With this group, we hope to have a focal point in each House for advocacy, and a strong international advocacy group to discuss thematic priorities and positions, benefitting from different national and regional perspectives. We look forward to working with the Human Rights Houses to develop this working group.”
Since the opening of HRHF’s Office in Geneva in 2008, the launch of its representation in Brussels in 2014, joint advocacy at the international and national levels has continuously grown and increasingly gained importance for all Human Rights Houses, their member NGOs and for HRHF. Although not a decision-making forum, the aim of this working group is that all Houses gain ownership over our advocacy on thematic priorities and gain an overview of the country priorities. “That way we can inspire, empower and support each other,” Florian Irminger added.
Work will begin next week and the advocacy staff of HRHF will be contacting the Houses with further information on this initiative. If you have questions or want to show a particular interest in the meantime, please get in touch with Florian Irminger at florian.irminger@humanrigtshouse.org


Monthly newsletter of the Human Rights Houses and HRHF

This article was published as part of the monthly newsletter of the Human Rights Houses and HRHF. Sign up to receive news and insight into human rights issues and country situations, the projects and activities of Human Rights Houses, and portraits and interviews with human rights defenders.



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