Different actors have called for a boycott of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing because the People´s Republic of China violates fundamental human rights. Others claim that since the Olympics is full of politics anyway; the political aspects of the Games can be made use of through presence and possible dialogue. In any way, the coming Olympics is a good occasion to discuss sports role in reconciliation work. (09-FEB-07) 

This article was written by Gunta Venge of the Human Rights House in Bergen.
Photos from the seminar in Bergen on 26 January at the Rafto Human Rights House. Above: Reseasrcher Andreas Selliaas from NUPI (left) and Anders Krystad from The Football Association of Norway.

Sports and Reconciliation
About sports and politics, diplomacy and human rights
– with Olympics in Beijing in 2008 in mind

Seminar at Institusjonen Fritt Ord, Uranienborgveien 2, Oslo

Tuesday, February 13 from 17:00 – 18:30

Free entrance. Working language: Norwegian

Can sports be used as a tool in a work for human rights? Can sports play an independent role in terms of reconciliation in situations where other alternatives have failed? These are the questions the project “Sports and Reconciliation” will analyse and attempt to find an answer to. Sports and Reconciliation is a two year collaboration project between the Rafto Human Rights House, Bergen and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Oslo. The aim of the project is to establish new knowledge in this field and identify premises that need to be in place in order for sports to be used as a means in reconciliation and what local partners need be present in order to succeed.

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From the similar seminar at the Rafto Human Rights House in Bergen: Left, the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK Radio) interviewing Professor Matti Goksøyr of the Academy of Sports. Right, researcher Andreas Sellias of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs making a point, with Goksøyr listening.

The seminar in Oslo on February 13 will present aspects on the subject from different actors: a philosopher, a researcher, a sports historian, a sports official with experience from the field work. 

• Reconciliation – what it involves? Antic sports ideals meet today’s challenges.
Philosopher, Tore Frost, University of Oslo

• Sports between war and peace.
Professor Matti Goksøyr, Sports Academy of Norway 

• Experiences from sports and reconciliation work.
Britt Karen Spjeld, Head of the sports, region of Hordaland

• Connection between sports and reconciliation. About a new collaboration project.
Researcher Andreas Selliaas, NUPI

Moderator: Project coordinator: Sverre Chr. Wilhelmsen, The Rafto House

Organizers: The Rafto House and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in
co-operation with the Institusjonen Fritt Ord

To read an article, in Norwegian, by researcher Andreas Sellias on sports and diplomacy, previously published in the independent Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen, click here

For further information on the Sports and Reconciliation project, click here.

Contact information:
Sverre Chr. Wilhelmsen, Rafto House – swilhelmsen@raftohuset.no
tel #: +47 971 81 079
Andreas Selliaas, NUPI – andreas.selliaas@nupi.no
tel #: +47 957 54 675