Every individual has the right to live in a free society as much as to enjoy their favorite sports. The IHWC provides Belarus with the ultimate challenge to demonstrate that in life and in sport it truly lives up to the core principle of good sportsmanship, fair play.

 By welcoming a global sports competition that promotes integrity and observes uniform regulations, Belarus should follow suit and show its citizens and the international community that it can play by the rules. The entertainment and economic opportunities of an international sporting event should not distract attention from the ongoing human rights violations. While supporting fair competition, Belarus should also support the fundamental rights and freedoms of its citizens, including the right to express opinions freely and without fear of retribution, to promote and defend their rights and interests by forming associations, and to choose their leaders in free and fair elections.

 We support the right of every Belarusian citizen to be free. We call on Belarus’ leaders and citizens to take decisive steps towards making Belarus an open and democratic country, where fair play is not only a motto, but the way of living – during and beyond the timeframe of the Ice Hockey World Championship. And we urge others to join this call.


21 international human rights and civil society organizations are proud sponsors of the
Fair Play Beyond Sports campaign to support Belarusian civil society, as Belarus hosts the Ice Hockey World Championship, May 9-25.

International attention, however, should focus less on hockey and more on the human rights violations that have earned Belarus an unsought title, “The Last Dictatorship of Europe.” For two decades, Lukashenka’s government has imposed unprecedented limitations on freedoms of speech, association and assembly; hundreds of people have served prison terms on politically motivated charges. Nine political prisoners remain behind bars.

The Fair Play Beyond Sports campaign was launched to bring attention to the plight of Belarusian citizens, activists and human rights defenders.
