The Supreme Court refused to consider the complaints of the former candidates to the presidential position of Belarus Aliaksandr Milinkevich and Aliaksandr Kazulin, in which they asked to bring criminal cases with the aim to find illegitimate the results of the presidential election that was held on 19 March (06-APR-06)

According to,

General Procurator’s Office: the election is worth an excellent mark. On 5 April the Procurator General P.Miklashevich reported to A.Lukashenka that the election was conducted in conformity with the Constitution, the national legislation and the norms and principles of the international legislation, the people manifested its will on the basis of general, free, direct and secret election. According to the rocurator, there were registered inconsiderable violations of the electoral legislation. The guilty persons were brought to account. What concerns the public security – about 600 persons were punished for violation of the legislation about mass actions.

Opposition’s opinion
According to representatives of the opposition, this election was a farce. There are a great number of facts that put to doubt not only the official results of the election, but also the assertion about ‘free and democratic election’. According to the results of the monitoring that was conducted by activists of Milinkevich’s headquarters, there were registered thousands facts of falsifications. In many cases the final minutes were rewritten and often votes weren’t counted at all. People were forced to early voting, especially students and workers of state organs and institutions. The electoral campaign was defined with numerous repressions against the campaign’s activists. The access to mass media was far from being equal. The majority of these facts were reflected in the complaints of the candidates that were submitted to the Supreme Court, which not only abstained from evaluation of the situation, but even refused to consider the complaints.

Supreme Court: wrong address for applications
Commenting on the situation the press secretary of the Supreme Court Anastasia Tsimanovich informed that in both cases the court refused to bring cases because ‘the demands that were specified in the suits aren’t liable to court consideration because they exceed the competency of the court’. According to her, in accordance with the Election Code, candidates to the presidential position can complain only against the decision of the Central Election Commission according to which the election would be considered illegitimate and the legislation doesn’t provide for complaining against other decisions of the CEC.

According to the opposition it means that the candidates to presidency have no possibility to complain against numerous falsifications of the presidential election.