The editor-in-chief of opposition´s daily “Baki khabar” Aydin Guliyev was kidnapped on 17 July by some unknown persons in mask. Reportedly, he was heavily beaten up and later released. (19 July 2004)

The kidnapping operation

In his press conference dated 19 July 2004, Mr. Guliyev detailed that on 17 July late evening four unknown personsin masks detained him near his house and put into RAF minivan. Then he was driven in the car during 2-3 hours over the city. At the same time,kidnappers stuck his mouth by adhesive tape, and put black sack on his head. Kidnappers condemened him that he do not serve “his state and Islam” and demanded to stop his journalist activity. Simultaniously they beat and insulted editor-in-chief. Then kidnappers stopped the car in the outskirts of the city and threw the journalist to the edge of the road.

Behind the scene

    According to Aydin Guliyev, his newspaper never published anti-Islamic materials. That is why, such charges are purposed to conceal true reasons of the action. The editor-in-chief is sure, this accident was the political order of government. “Baki khabar” sharply criticizes the government andcalls to fight against the ruling regime. Aydin Guliyev states, kidnappingand threats caused just his critic of the goverment.

Ongoing threats

    The editor-in-chief has already applied to law enforcement bodies and required providing his security. Aydin Guliyev said, his family and he himselfare under supervision. Unknown persons pursue him and threaten him by telephone.
    Editor-in-chief applied to journalist organizations with request to help him, he is going to apply to foreign diplomatic missions to secure his familyand himself.


    Despite of hazard and treats, the editor-in-chief was declaring several times, he was not going to refuse from his political views and he remained in the lines of opposition to government. “No power will force me deviating from my way”, – said he.