When: Monday, 21. December 2009
To: Monday, 21. December 2009
Where: Skopje, Macedonia
Host: The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi
Contact: The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi (info@childrenembassy.org.mk)
More info: www.childrensembassy.org.mk/

The First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi organizes a press conference on December 21st 2009, on annual activity of the toll-free SOS helpline for children and youth: 0800 1 2222.

The press conference is organized with the aim to present to public and relevant stakeholders, the number of all contacts that were made during the year 2009, to toll-free SOS telephone for children and youth, divided by categories of the problem reported, the way of contact, gender and age of the person who report and the steps taken from our side for these reported problems.

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