When: Friday, 11. September 2009
To: Sunday, 13. September 2009
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia
Host: CURE Foundation
Contact: Vedrana Frasto (vedrana@fondacijacure.org)
More info: www.fondacijacure.org

4. PitchWise Festival – festival of women arts, is dedicated to feminist networking and activism and will last from September 11th to September 13th.

The beginning of PitchWise Festival will be marked with the exhibition "Feminist and peace activism in the region", by authors Biljana Rakocevic and Vesna Pavlovic, which will be held on Friday, 11th of September, in Historic Museum of Sarajevo at 12h.

This year PitchWise Festival brings artists and activists from around Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Kosovo, France and other states in the region and throughout the world. Each country will present their socially engaged works through perfomances, book promotions, concerts, workshops, movies and gatherings.

The main aim of the PitchWise Fest as an idea and people’s community who work together for gender equality, is to bring changes in the society through engaged arts. One of the ways to change things to better is connecting, networking, activism and solidarity, which are the topics of this year’s PitchWise Fest.

For more information on the Festival or how to apply to the workshops, please contact CURE Foundation Office: + 387 33 270 610, or write to the email address: info@fondacijacure.org
