When: Friday, 17. April 2009 19:00
To: Friday, 24. April 2009
Where: Mostar, B&H
Host: Human Rights Schools for Youth in Western Balkans
Contact: Adela Galesic (adelagal@gmail.com)
More info: www.humanrightschools.org

Regional human rights school and Human rights festival will be organized from 17th to 24th April in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina by Human Rights Schools for Youth in Western Balkans.

Festival activities include:

  • Exhibition on the regional program "Human Rights schools for youth in the Western Balkans “ ;
  • Performance of the art groups from Pavarotti Music Centre ; 
  • International party (in cooperation with UWC) ;
  • Conference on inter-religious dialog ;
  • Conference on divided communities ;
  • Exhibition – “Build bridges, not walls” ;
  • Concert of demo bands: Venus (fusion, classical, rock), Gore Pa Tamo (indie rock), Bilok (alternative metal) and Orion (thrash metal) ;
  • Presentation of the books ‘Build bridges, not walls!” and “Child, teacher, school” by Nansen Dialogue Center ;
  • Street art event by students of Mostar Grammar School and United World Colleges ;
  • Performance of the drama group of United World Colleges ;
  • Street theatre by United World Colleges ;
  • Movie: “Statement 710399” (54 min) by XY production, Sarajevo and conversation with the author – Refik Hodzic ;
  • Street performance by the participants of the 15th  Regional School of Human Rights for youth in Western Balkans and International School for Global Understanding.
