

February 15, 2005

The authorities persecute relatives of the murdered journalist, whereas her colleagues suspect polit

Several months ago the journalist Veranika Charkasava was violently murdered at home. She was stabbed with knife many times. The investigation still treats her son and stepfather as the main suspects, despite of the absence of evidence, and is eager to conduct psychiatric expertise of the journalist´s son Anton Filimonaw.(15-FEB-05) 

February 15, 2005

Belarusian participants of the orange revolution ask the Ukrainian president for political asylum

Two participants of the events in Kyiv in the end of November — the beginning of January 2004 asked the president of the Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko for political asylum. In their appeals they stated that Belarusian authorities persecute and threaten them. Besides, a criminal case has been already brought against one of the applicants. (15-FEB-2005)

February 15, 2005

Azerbaijan: EU concerned on findings of OSCE report

The European Union has expressed its concerns over the conclusions of the February 4 OSCE report on trial monitoring in the Republic of Azerbaijan. “The report shows that in some important respects, the trials fell well short of Azerbaijan’s existing legal requirements and its international commitments on human rights and the rule of law.” The report also called for publication of the results of the investigation into the excessive use of force by security forces during the post-election riots on October 16, 2003. (16-FEB-2005)

February 14, 2005

Bosnian NGOs campaign to ban fascism

Several NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina want fascist organizations and hate speech to be banned. – The attempts to revise the history and rehabilitate the forces that had been historically defeated in the Second World War, has increased the past few months, the organizations warn. (14-FEB-05)

February 14, 2005

The regular Annual Assembly of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in BH

The regular Annual Assembly of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held at the hall of Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Saturday, February 12, 2005. The Assembly adopted the reports from 2004, planned documents for 2005 as well as the new management of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the next two years – president, managing board and superior council.

February 14, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

Amnesty and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee invites you to a charity screening of “Hotel Rwanda” in Oslo 27 February. The main question of the film is: How can genocide and crimes against humanity be stopped? (14-FEB-04)

February 14, 2005

Experts and activists on North Korean human rights gather again

A group of human rights experts from around the world gathered in Seoul on Monday for a three-day forum to discuss the human rights conditions in North Korea. Organized by several colleges and civic groups in South Korea, the 6th International Conference on North Korean Human Rights and Refugees is aimed at shedding light on the human rights abuse prevalent in the communist state. (14-FEB-05)

February 14, 2005

Bosnian NGOs campaign to ban fascism

Several NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina want fascist organizations and hate speech to be banned. – The attempts to revise the history and rehabilitate the forces that had been historically defeated in the Second World War, has increased the past few months, the organizations warn. (14-FEB-05) 

February 14, 2005

Poland: Prisoners baby died, HFHR reacts

A court case of a prison inmate vs. a midwife and a doctor from prison in Grudziadz who neglected their duties – which resulted in death of an unborn child – begun last Wednesday in Grudziadz. Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights sent a representative to observe the trial. (12-FEB-05)

February 12, 2005

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in defence of a prison inmate

A court case of a prison inmate vs. a midwife and a doctor from prison in Grudziadz who neglected their duties – which resulted in death of an unborn child – begun last Wednesday in Grudziadz. Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights sent a representative to observe the trial. (12-FEB-05)

February 12, 2005

Lustration in Polish manner

Again, lustration has become a hot issue of political debates and discussions throughout Republic of Poland. What contributed to it was the fact that a list of persons who cooperated or were recruited for cooperation with the Security Service (Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa) during the communist period has been taken out of the Institute of National Remembrance. (12-FEB-05)

February 11, 2005

Journalists wiretapped again

The special working group of the Parliamentary Committee for Internal Affairs and National Security is opening an investigation today of Croatian Counter Intelligence service (CIS). The principal cause for the investigation is the recent public address of five journalists who were the subject of secret treatment of the CIS during 2003 and 2004, under the allegation that they have deliberately published wrong information about Hague fugitive general Gotovina in order to obstruct Republic of Croatia to enter the European Union. (11-FEB-05)