

May 8, 2024

Shadow of authoritarianism hangs over Georgia

As Georgian authorities look to introduce new “foreign agent” legislation, HRHF’s Kety Abashidze outlines the situation unfolding in the country and highlights the importance of international organisations, civil society and like-minded states to show solidarity with the Georgian public and civil society and to call on the authorities to abandon the law.

April 28, 2023

Georgia: “Authorities still believe a ‘foreign agent’ style law is needed”

On 10 March 2023, the Georgian Parliament voted down the so-called “foreign agent” and “foreign influence” bills following mass protests in the country. In the weeks following, Human Rights House Foundation spoke to Human Rights House Tbilisi’s Natia Tavberidze discussing next steps for civil society as well as support that Georgian civil society needs now from international colleagues.

April 25, 2023

OVD-Info: Russian Civil Society Demands an End to Prosecution of Anti-War Protests

In this op-ed for Human Rights House Foundation, OVD-Info highlights Russian civil society calls for an end to the authorities’ assault on freedom of expression.

February 21, 2023

Support grassroots democracy in Ukraine

Ukrainians are fighting two battles – one against the brutal Russian invasion, and the other to defend the democratic progress the country has made since independence in 1991. Weapons are needed to win the first battle, and for the second, a victory depends on support for local democracy and civil society.

January 20, 2023

Ales on trial

If Ales [Bialiatski] had not received the [Nobel] Peace Prize, images of a Belarusian human rights defender locked in a cage in court would never have made international headlines.

May 12, 2022

Regjeringen må øke støtten til de som kjemper for menneskerettighetene

Krigen mot Ukraina har vist at frihet, demokrati og menneskerettigheter ikke kan tas for gitt. Det er verdier som må kjempes for. Menneskerettighetsforkjempere verden over risikerer livet for disse verdiene hver dag. Bare i 2021 ble minst 358 aktivister drept.

February 10, 2022

Security crisis in Ukraine must not distract from Russia’s human rights crisis

The human rights crisis perpetrated by the Russian authorities is not limited to Russian territory. The crisis is spilling beyond Russia’s borders.

December 8, 2021

Risking everything for truth in Russia

On the morning of 7 October 2021, 15 years after Anna Politkovskaya was shot in the elevator in her apartment building where she lived in Moscow, a colleague and I laid flowers on the corner of Drammensveien in Oslo, where the Russian embassy is located.

October 4, 2021

Europe’s new Russia policy must focus on human rights

When US President Joe Biden stood in the East Room of the White House on September 15 flanked by television screens with the images of Australian Prime Minister Morrison and British Prime Minister Johnson, a new geopolitical trend came into stark relief for European policymakers. As many analysts subsequently noted, the announcement of the AUKUS trilateral security pact between the US, UK, and Australia underscored the fragility of European security, the need for greater emphasis on building strategic autonomy, and the fact that a strengthened European Union policy towards Russia, its biggest strategic competitor, is vital. Human rights must now play a central role in the design and implementation of an updated EU-Russia Strategic Policy.