Annual assembly of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina held its Regular Annual Assembly on the 26th of April, in Sarajevo.  (7 May 2002)

During the Assembly all reports and documents of BH HC for the year 2001 were discussed and adopted. The previous President as well as the Managing Board of the BH HC were released. During the election of new Managing Board, which was supposed to consist of five members, some of members of the Assembly proposed to have seven instead of five members and in that order they suggested Mr Vlatko Dolecek and Mr Srdjan Dizdarevic to be sixth and seventh member. All present members of the Assembly unanimously approved and supported this proposal.

  • So, the new Managing Board of the BH HC is as follows:
  • Ms Senka Nožica
  • Ms Živica Abadžic
  • Mr Sinan Alic
  • Mr Enver Murgic
  • Mr Vlatko Dolecek
  • Mr Vlado Cvijic
  • Mr Srdjan Dizdarevic

Mr Enver Murgic has been elected as the Acting President of BH HC, and Ms Živica Abadžic as Secretary General of BH HC.